


Here at Strides for Africa, we work in several different rural regions spanning East and West Africa, helping to improve access to clean drinking water.

But we can’t do it alone. We rely on partnerships to help make clean water access a reality. From our community partners on the ground, to our local schools throughout the United States, we work together to improved access to sustainable, safe, and clean sources of water.

The Problem

Throughout East and West Africa, more than 418 million people living in rural areas do not have access to clean water. Women and children often travel many miles each day to look for alternative sources. This means that kids need to take time out of school to make sure their family has water.

418 Million People

is a huge number. Let’s Break this down:

Let’s say that you are sitting in your classroom of 20 students.

And in your whole school you have 20 classrooms. That’s a whopping 400 students!

Now multiply this by 1 million! That’s almost how many people living in rural East and West Africa that do not have access to clean water.

But whether you’re in Elementary School, Middle School, High School, you have the power to make global impact. You have the power to help ensure that 418 million people throughout rural East and West Africa have access to water that is sustainable, clean, and safe.

Being a Global Student means that you not only seek to and learn only about your home country, but about the world.

The Solution

If you are a student, teacher, or school that is ready to have a better global understanding and make an impact on the world, join our Global Student Program.

Join our program that has provided global education to hundreds of students throughout the world. For every Strides for Africa donor, the resulting impact has been equivalent to providing a clean water source for 10 rural Africans for the next 20-25 years. To date, Strides for Africa has funded or co-funded 51 water projects. The 51 completed projects have changed the lives of over 50,000 people.


Reach out to our team if you are interested in being involved with our Global Student Program. We will connect you with a school or community in need of a clean water source.

It’s Easy as 1, 2, 3

Here’s How to Get Involved


Decide on a fundraising campaign that will provide students with a unique experience to better understand the local community surrounding your water project.


Watch your impact. Reflect on your newly developed understanding of the world and see your project be implemented by one of our in-country community leaders.

Start your Global Student Program today:

Global Students Program Curriculum Overview Booklet

This three page document takes you through the schedule of the program and the overall journey the curriculum takes your student group on including community presentations, book information, and fundraising timelines.

Global Students Program Lesson Downloads

This eighteen page document includes everything you will need to complete this program including background information on required reading, guided reading activities, a clean water lesson, water knowledge quiz, and a fundraising idea sheet.

Global Students Program Project Options Booklet

This four page document includes an overview on the learning opportunities in this program, the project options your class can fundraise for, and a look into McFarland High School’s success with the program.

Completed Global Student Programs

Middleton High School Interact Club

  • 2023: Hand Dug Well

    Sackor Public School


  • This well serves both the school as well as the community of Bahn City in Nimba County. Partially funded by the Middleton Interact Club and Middleton High School.

Sandburg Middle School

William Floyd Middle School

  • 2017: Hand Dug well

    Peculiar Treasure


  • Thank you to Mrs. McHale and the students of William Floyd Middle School for working locally on this issue and making positive global change with the Peculiar Treasure International School Water Well in Johnsonville, Liberia!

    One of our favorite schools to visit, this well was funded by a combination of school and birthday fundraisers. Please take a look at this video of the well completion.