Welcome to your Global Student Program account. With your account you will be able to:

  • Have Access to all of our teaching materials

  • Manage your campaign

Program Mission: Empower local students to make global impact on identified projects in Africa related to water and food sources

General Approach:


  • Project Development (June to September)

  • Tell the story of the identified need for the community

  • Gather photos of the pre-project conditions

  • Generally share potential projects to schools (September – November)

  • Fundraising (November through February)

  • Send funds to Africa by 3/1 (sooner if possible)

  • Share completed projects by end of school year (if possible)

Project Liaison:

  • Find a strong advocate in the school: teacher or administrative staff person to oversee the fundraising effort within school

  • Assign the lead person (from SFA or FMFM) to check-in and be responsive to questions from the liaison throughout the project process.

Project Kickoff:

  • Share presentation with targeted students to lead project (30 to 60 minutes in length)

  • Share potential lesson plan with teacher

  • Students to lead fundraising efforts

Project Completion:

  • If possible, provide closing presentation and plaque to the school

  • Closing presentation to cover the full story behind the project and fundraising campaign. Presentation ends with photos of the completed project

  • Plaque – ideally one that can show a picture of the completed project – trophykits.com (~$20 a plaque with shipping)

Project Recap:

  • Strides for Africa will provide project liaison with a completed project folder – information about the project, all project files including photos, project information, a large 8” by 10” photo of the project, and several 4” by 6” photos.